Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Wedding

I cherish this from dear Khadija
Rifaat and Suzanna
on their day

A STORY: Many people attend weddings but not everyone there is really "at the wedding" but if you stand at the door and listen, you can discern who was "really there." The first person exits, remarking to his friend, "What a great wedding; all of my friends were there." That person wasn't really at the wedding. A few minutes later a second guest exits remarking, "What a fabulous wedding. The food was incredible!" That person wasn't at the wedding, either. Finally, a third person walks through the door saying, "BARUCH HASHEM! Thank God those two got together!" THAT PERSON was really at the wedding. SO many times on your day I heard some version of the third guest's exclamation and I wholeheartedly agree! Thanks for including us all.
Love  & MORE LOVE,

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