I went with questions:
What formats were people using to publish their graphic stories? What sizes and shapes of books or booklets? How were they laid out? What are people charging?
What concepts are people addressing in their work? Anything besides Dungeons and Dragons, Vampires, Combat, and other hero "good guy/bad guy" fantasy?
Who are the people buying?
Would I find artist/writers I want to follow or to keep in contact with?

I found so much to like, I would be broke if I bought everything I wanted to! The sixth floor had more of what I was looking for and was less crowded.
One of my favorites was this sweet little book, only 4" square, by Pam
Wishbow. At first glance, the illustrations look like wood block prints. In a genre where so many stories are dark fantasy, this one nourished my soul.
pages from As The Crow Flies |
I found insightful coming of age stories, like
"As the Crow Flies" by Melanie Gillman. This one is about 7" by 5.5", with 23 pages.
"Sing Ninety Nine and Ninety" is only 12 pages including cover, printed on 8.5" by 14" and hand stapled. By
"Anne Notation", it is very well drawn and laid out. I would probably not have bought it except that the title is the title of a song my mother used to sing, as the coloring made me think it would be rather dark.
I found humor, such as in the work of Carrie Potter and Sara Williams in their
Juniper comics. I love their "Juniper Sampler", horizontally bound (stapled) 5.5" by 8.5".
All of these appeared home grown; i.e. printed and stapled by the artist. The Kid Beowulf book, "Shild and the Dragon", a 9" by 6" little book of 40 pages,complete with barcode, seems professionally printed.
So, as far as size and formatting, it seems anything goes as long as it's more image than text. I take that back. One artist/writer did a book on Japanese Ghost stories which was more text with some illustrations. His name is
Zack Davisson, and he is a translator, writer, and scholar of Japanese folklore and ghosts.
The little hand bound books ranged from $5 to ..... maybe $12. The more established writer/artists work, such as
Girl Genius, were selling their work for $25-30.
I'll talk a bit more about the people, writers, artists, and Comic Con visitors, soon.